Kolby and Mal have been wanting to get new bikes for a while. So we told them that if they sold some of their toys at the garage sale, then they could get a big-boy and big-girl bike. It made it easy to get rid of their baby toys and things. They kept trying to find other things to sell in the garage sale. It was pretty funny. We let them pick out the bikes they wanted, and then told them that we would go back to get them in a week, for Family Home Evening. Jeremy went to Chicago for a few days, and when he came home on Saturday, he stopped by the store to get the bikes for the kids. When he got to the house, he rang the doorbell and hid around the corner, so that all we saw were the bikes. The kids were already asleep, however. So he was disappointed. Instead we put the bikes in the kids rooms, so that when they woke up they would see them. It was just like Christmas. Sunday morning they got to ride them around in their pj's before church. Since then, they have been on them constantly. Even when I have the garage door down, they are riding circles around my car. I went to check on them the other day, and Kolby was just sitting on his bike in the garage, with his head down on the handle bars. I asked him what he was doing, and he said that he was just waiting for dad to come home to take him on a bike ride. It was about 2:00 at the time, so Jeremy wouldn't be home for another 3 1/2 hours. They have really enjoyed them, but I feel like I have to watch them even more closely because they keep trying to open the garage door and take off.