We had a terrific Christmas this year. Sledding was very fun, and sharing our Christmas Eve dinner with the Potters was great. After dinner we played the Mexican Train game (Mexican Dominoes) while Kade and the kids played Uno and watched 'Elf." Afterwards we watched a church nativity video, said prayers, and got ready for bed. The kids put out lettuce for the reindeer this year. I wasn't sure if reindeer would like lettuce, but I was all out of carrots. Kolby tried getting up at 1:45 this year. He came into my room, after I had just fell asleep and announced that Santa had came. I told him to go back to bed. We spent Christmas day playing Mallorie's 'Wheel of Fortune' game on the Wii, putting together Legos and then we went to look at Christmas lights that night and to eat at IHOP, which isn't my favorite, but it was all that was open. I also got new couches for Christmas, which I was really surprised to get. They are soooo nice. Hope all of you had a wonderful Christmas as well.
Tuesday, December 28, 2010
Merry Christmas
We had a terrific Christmas this year. Sledding was very fun, and sharing our Christmas Eve dinner with the Potters was great. After dinner we played the Mexican Train game (Mexican Dominoes) while Kade and the kids played Uno and watched 'Elf." Afterwards we watched a church nativity video, said prayers, and got ready for bed. The kids put out lettuce for the reindeer this year. I wasn't sure if reindeer would like lettuce, but I was all out of carrots. Kolby tried getting up at 1:45 this year. He came into my room, after I had just fell asleep and announced that Santa had came. I told him to go back to bed. We spent Christmas day playing Mallorie's 'Wheel of Fortune' game on the Wii, putting together Legos and then we went to look at Christmas lights that night and to eat at IHOP, which isn't my favorite, but it was all that was open. I also got new couches for Christmas, which I was really surprised to get. They are soooo nice. Hope all of you had a wonderful Christmas as well.
Sledding On Christmas Eve
We took the kids sledding at the park on Christmas Eve. The snow wasn't very good for sledding. We've had so much rain, and it wasn't soft. It was difficult climbing up a hill of slippery ice. Mallorie tipped going down and scraped her face up pretty good against the icy snow, and now she looks like she has blush on one of her cheeks. Reminded me of "The Other Sister" movie where she only gets a makeover for half of her face. I need to add some blush to the other side, I guess. There were some pretty good jumps on a couple of the hills. Jeremy broke our sled on one of them. He flew pretty far, and came down hard, breaking it. He's a little sore now.
Christmas Card Pictures 2010
I took these pictures of the kids at the park for our Christmas card. I thought they turned out okay. I wish I had a better camera, and that I knew more about photography. I debated about even sending out cards this year, since it was nearly Christmas already, but ultimately decided I'd just take some pictures myself. I'll probably have the kids pictures taken (professionally) in March for their baptism pictures.
Sunday, December 19, 2010
Christmas Piano Recital 2010
Last night was my Christmas Piano Recital. It went very well and all of my students played their pieces so nicely. I'm extremely proud of all of their hard work. At the same time I'm glad it is done, and I don't have to stress anymore over it. I always worry about how well they will play, yet they never let me down.
(missing Brooklyn and Brian)
Sunday, December 12, 2010
Christmas 2010 Dance Recital
My sister Kilee, Dusty, and their girls came to visit us the first part of November. Kilee's good friend, Jessa was getting married in the Rexburg temple, so they came for that. It was fun to spend time with them. Kilee's girls had never played in the snow before so it was great to watch their reactions. Storie loved it. She kept eating it. Kora, however was a little unsure about it. The first time Kora reached down to touch the snow, she started freaking out because it was cold on her bare hand. She ran over to me with her hand raised so that I could wipe the snow off. It was pretty funny.
Mallorie Lost a Tooth
Mallorie just lost her first tooth in November. I believe she and Kolby were the last kids in the 2nd grade with all of their baby teeth still (and Kolby still doesn't even have one that is the least little bit loose). Mallorie was so excited to lose her first tooth, that she'd ask me to wiggle it at least every 20 minutes to see if it was "wigglier" than before. When it was finally loose enough, she let Jeremy tie the little tooth to the front door with dental floss. Jeremy was a little scared to do the job, but she was so brave. When Jeremy very apprehensively slammed the door shut, the tooth went flying and we couldn't find it. We looked around on the floor with flashlights for nearly 30 minutes, but never did find it. I felt bad for her that we had lost it, especially since this was her first one. Later that night, however I spotted a little white thing on the area rug in front of the couch. I had just vacuumed earlier that day, so I knew the rug shouldn't have any crumbs or fuzz on it. Sure enough it was the tooth. It is quite a distance from the front door to the rug in front of the couch. We didn't even look over there because we never thought it would have flown so far. The tooth fairy brought her money that night, and she said she was going to save it to buy a Christmas present for her brother. She has another tooth that is loose too now, but she is not nearly as excited to lose it. She hasn't been wiggling it hardly at all.
Friday, December 10, 2010
Kolby Learning to Ride His Bike
This was from the first time Kolby rode his bike last Summer. Mallorie fell off her bike, so she was a little scared to try again. She did eventually work up the nerve to ride hers again and I have video of her as well from a couple of days later that I'll post also.
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