After going to PA and staying in NC at Taryn's house for a few days, we went to see Jeremy's brother, Josh in Columbia. We also went to Charleston and went to the beach. We took a ferry to Ft. Sumter also.

Bubba Gump Shrimp Co.

Brotherly love.....

I believe this is the movie theatre from "The Notebook." I tried to talk Jeremy into dancing with me in the street, like Noah and Alli, but he wouldn't.

Zachariah aka Tarzan at the swamp. What a muggy/buggy night!

Mallorie with cousins Aubrey and Sariah at the Columbia Zoo

Tucker getting ready to go down the slide at the zoo

Rock climbing at the Columbia Zoo.

We went to Lancaster County this summer with my parents, Taryn, her kids, and Kolby and Mallorie. We stayed in a little bed and breakfast there and got to go on a buggy ride. We also shopped, tried homemade rootbeer (eww!) and had dinner with an Amish family in their home. That was probably my favorite part. The food was delicious, and the family was so nice. At the end of our meal, the mother and her two daughters sang us a few hymns. It was a really amazing experience. I've read many Amish novels, so I'd been hoping to visit. While there, I felt as though I were in another world, or time. Especially when I'd hear the clip-clop of the horses pulling the buggies. It was quite an experience. I wasn't disappointed and would even love to go back sometime.

I guess this is the only picture I got of Hershey, PA. They had cute street lights that were shaped like Kisses, which I meant to take a picture of, but apparently I forgot. From Lancaster, we drove to Hershey and did the chocolate factory tour. I now have my Masters in chocolate tasting.

There were many farms that had these birdhouses. The Amish want the birds around to eat the flies.

I love all of the old farms.

A pretty little creek

We went through this covered bridge in our buggy ride. Reminded me of Bridges of Madison County.

I love this picture because it had a buggy parked outside.

Eli, from the bed and breakfast took the kids for a ride on this train. They had so much fun.

Karter, giving Klarabelle a try.

Mallorie and Emmie's lemonade stand (back in Mooresville, NC) I think the girls only had two customers that day.
At Taryn and Derik's we got to take out Derik's new boat too. I didn't get pictures of that either, I guess.