Kolby and Mallorie were so excited for their first day.
Can we go yet?
Kolby hurt his foot on the rock he's sitting on, and Mal is comforting him.
I'm so glad they'll have each other.
I can't believe Kolby and Mallorie started school already. They love school and their teacher (so far). I'm not sure I'm going to love it, though. I will miss them, but I'm sure I'll find lots of things to keep me busy. I'm going to start teaching piano lessons and babysitting part-time. So, that will be good. They did really well on their first day. Neither one of them cried, and I didn't either, thanks to my friend Staci, who ran into a table just as I was getting teary-eyed. I was grateful to have her there to cheer me up, even if it was at the price of her dignity. Also, I had a present waiting for me at home after I dropped them off. My friend, Natalie was so thoughtful. She got me a box of Kleenex and some chocolate to cheer me up. Then I went to lunch with my friend Tricia, which also helped me cope. By then it was time to pick them back up from school. It seemed like it went by really fast. I am so grateful to my friends and all they do for me.
Kindergarten is so bittersweet, isn't it? I wish we could freeze them and keep them little. Hang in there.
Hey Misha! Thanks for the comment on my blog. You are so sweet. Your new little Kindergartners are just too dang cute! I agree with Jill's comment completely. I have been through it enough now to know, and it still pulls at my heart strings each time I have a new Kindergartner!
Mallory and Colby look so cute. I wish Hallie was in their class. Hopefully this will be a great year for all of them and that they will be happy. That always makes it a little easier.
They look darling. I can't believe how old they are, I still think they are 2. I'm glad you have such wonderful friends.
Ok MISS PHOTOGRAPHER! Instead of me taking your kids pictures you just need to take my camera and go to town! Those are the best pictures ever! I love the one with them in the doorway of the little red school house!
i cant believe they are in kindergarten!
I remember when they were born...you came to my pharmacy school graduation with them. They were so little! How can they be in school already? Hang in there--you will be fine and you KNOW your kids will be!
Wow, time flies!!!!! they are so big...I am glad they look out for each other...we should all be so lucky as to grow up with a best friend/playmate!
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