Thursday night we went to Blackfoot for a wedding reception. Megan, who I have not seen in over 6 years just got married in the Idaho Falls temple. Megan was one of my Beehives back in Arizona. It was so fun getting to see her. I'm really glad she found me on Facebook. How funny it is that her family moved to ID after we did. I also got to see Allison, one of my other Beehives. She was a bridesmaid and is now taller than me (not that that is hard to believe) and beautiful as well. I can't believe that Megan's married! It makes me feel very old. She looked absolutely beautiful, and her husband seems like a really good guy. I'm so proud of her and the decisions she's made with her life. She and her husband will be living in New Zealand, where he is from. I wish them lots of happiness.

Kolby has a couple of real super-hero capes, but he still seems to prefer the good 'ol blankie tied around his neck. (Love Mallorie in the background chilling on the couch.)

Thought this was a cute one of Mal-Mal.

Kolby and Mallorie talking to Trenton on Skype. They'll spend hours just being goofy. Nobody makes them laugh as much as Trenton can. I'm so glad they can still get to talk and "see" each other whenever they want. Trenton just got a laptop, so calls us a lot and wants us to get online and talk to him.
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